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YThursday, September 16, 2010' 11:00 PM

Yeah me gotten my BASIC PDS BADGE
finally the left side of my uni is no that plain
this event happened yesterday
bendy and weizhe are the instructors so they have to grade ppl
and wei zhe grede me
but in the end still ablre to pass
all thanks to my ability
wow when bendy went to hq everyone was asking
wow so shiok
haha (:
they have to stay till very late
so we came back first and take their bags for them first
when they came crap a bit at opp of sch
reach home by 8:30pm
have dinenr at 9pm
finish eating dinner at 10pm how nice
slept at 11pm
but is still worthwhile
hope these type of things will happen more often
hehe (:

YSunday, August 29, 2010' 7:03 AM

Haha i know this is pathetic cuz this is like only my 106th post for the past three years
haha but ....
Currently choing-ing HE coursework
alot of things happended foe the past months jus too much thing to say
Yst was Bendy's birthday
so ya
and for my cca's year end camp i am announced as the
dunno whether to feel HAPPY(: or SAD ):
i have to do alot of preparation stuff and to plan everything for the camp
i don't wa to do this but i have to stop all these stupid things
i talk to you nicely you think i was like cracking some jokes
so now i have to use this only method
this is the last straw is up to you whether you want to change
now i dunno wat's ur prob
why must u always think is others fault
why not is u
the root of the prob
we have been hinting to you
but u don't seem to get the msg
STOP pretending that there is nth going on
all of your actions
is all visible to us
is no use pretending and running away from this prob
what nice to act?
to pretend there is nth between us
pretend there was nth happening at all
pretend it was not your fault
pretend to be as if we are still friendly towards you
pretend that it was her fault and not yours
sometimes i wonder
is your smile and laughters are just for show?
u can smile and laugh all you wan but at the back you stab us
is this what u want it to happen
everything to get worst
if you don't like us den just stay away
from us
no one is stopping you
we cannot do anything to you
and stop pretending nth happen and in the end satb us at out back
and do all those childish things
if u think is our fault or whose fault come and tell us
if u think we blame you wrongly tell us
is no use back stabbing us
you are jus making matters worst
your attitude has spoil everyones day
even others oso can tell what went wrong
why can't you
why can't you jus stop all these things
why can't you make up ur mind in what you are going to do next
why can't you jus watch your words
why can't you keep your mouth shut when it comes to secrets
why can't you just think before speaking
why can't you think what is the root of the problem before blaming others
why can't you talk to others properly
why must you always show ppl the attitude
why can't you look at your attitude first before telling ppl off
telling me that this is whta you areis not a very good excuse
i can also come up with this type of shit excuses
or maybe even better
we wanted to stop all these things by tolerating you but you
just would not admit it was your fault
and if you were thinking on what to write now and say all those bad things about me
go ahead i cannot stop you
but you will jus only make your impression on others worst so
is either you STOp it
or make it worst.

YSaturday, April 24, 2010' 8:17 AM

Came back from camp quite some time and made a lot of friends there. it was so freaking better than campfeast. And it is true cuz i had fun that is the most important thing and i made a lot of friends. Which makes me not so afraid of going for this camp and notto be homesick. But unfortunately this camp would be very nice not for the two bithches from some school and tere seriously suck and i can tell u that almost 100% of them would think the SUCK !!!. Unfortunate for me i slept at the lower bunk of one of the stupid bitch and she was actually the one who was moving but she end up come scold me the cb word and ask me stop moving like so wat de heck lar is she the ass too big den the bed too small that's why she go shift here shift there. Is so kind of me to not scold her lor den keep putting her STUPID, SMELLY AND DISGUSTING things on my bed so dirty ewwww the sight of it really want to make me puke. Den also not pretty at all always act chio so ugly like a piece of shit. The conclusion is they really SUCK !!!!!! Okay exams are around the corner so will not be posting for a veryyyyyy long time. Going to add a lot of ppl from facebook so that's all bb...

YSaturday, April 3, 2010' 7:01 AM

Finally i manage to squeeze out the time to post on thurs during training we have C&C which was comand and control and it was very scary because you would have to give the drills for a section of my part which was only 5 people. And because it was our first time doing this hence we get kinda nervous and we started making mistake which i wouldn't like to make and i forgotten all my long comands for the staionary drills. When it was my turn to fall back in it was a TOTAL refief. And in school i gotten a new nickname or you can say two the first was blossom dunno why but lucas started off and the other was tiger leu cuz lucas and sean was asking for my surname, and trying to find whether it was a scrabble word and i told them my surname was tiger and i gotten both name like dat. Isn't it jus so pathetic let me list out the nicknameSSSSSS i had:

2)ah chelle
4)mi leu
5) fat chelle
6) polar bear
7) blossom
8)tiger leu
10)mickey leu(seldom being called)

I suddenly cannot think of anymore ya it is quite a lot of names.

Nevermind after a hard day's work during training while i was walking back home from my house bus stop i saw many stars in the sky. It was so beautiful i didn't see so many stars in my life before and den there is like a small tiny thing blinking and i tot it was a shooting star and it was even moving but too bad it wasn't it wasn jus a plane moving across the sky...................................... jus so pathetic -.- i have to use this face cuz it is really very -.- but its okay at least i till see so many stars. And i don't feel like going home i jus hope i could just sit at the bench and enjoy the staars with the breeze blowing against my cheeks so nice. But still have to go home no choice.

YSaturday, March 27, 2010' 2:32 AM

Hello people just sent my phone to repair and i forgotten to save all the pics in my phone OMG all those memories jus gone like dat ~sigh~ got back my report book improve by 2 % which was quite good at least i improve but others scored better than me ya but till have to work harder and improve by 5 % or more of course. Yesterday stay back to watch the foot drill cmpetition after that went for a talk about the sec 3 choosing of subjects. Saw ruey ying doing drills haha quite good and i went crazy yesterday with karin,hui qi and bendy went around the school looking at things. The brieng was so boring so went around with celeste and justine. Later had dinner with mother and later sta taxi home when reach home almost 10 so tired. This morning finish all the homework except lit dunno how to do monday go and seek help from others. Oh and my trophy was broken by b wong poor thing my medal :( so sad but at least there is a food thing i will be able to get my specs tmr. That's all that happen this week.

YThursday, March 11, 2010' 7:06 PM

I have jus finish my freestyle conmpetition and we won first for air district HORRAYY!!! We won this competition last last saturday even though I screw up a bit but I still very nervous. We did a part and the sgt major tot we had finish doing it so he stood up. But I have a misunderstanding and I tot he felt that our performance is gd that's why he stood up haha so funny. Then it was finally the announcing of the results. When they announce the second placing and they score 240 plus which means we had top score 250 plus in order to beat them. My seniors are saying there was no hope left. But I was still crossing my fingers praying so hard that we could win. Finally it was the annouce for the champion but under the top 5 if we lose the champion is equals that we lose everything but if we win we would win the champion. The person was saying....." the champion is..............." there was like 5 seconds of silence. "Ang Mo" and everyone jump up screaming and squealing with joy. And I hold onto my friends hand jumping up and down like mad.

Last saturday went for fund fiesta and we played scrabble and we won second even though we didn't won first but it was a grest attempt GREAT JOB PEOPLE and the people wwho went and support them and almost the whole class went and cheer for them. And while we were playing with 2/3 we had no choice but to form the word cute haha(: And we went for the carnival ya bought alot of things and most of all we had fun that was the best thing. After that went for lunch with clique plus dong yu, marcus nai and wei wei didn't know weiwei can eat so much. We walk there with sean, lucas,jia jun,zhen xin and bryan lam. So funny while we were crossing the road then sean do not have enough time to cross cuz the traffic light had alr change into red man. So sean was short hence we started telling him not to cross the road cuz he was just a small young boy, we told him that young kid while crossing the road had to hold on to uncle's hand (which is marcus) den he really hold on to the"uncle's" hand so funny. And he was frantically waving to lucas like a who was being sperated from his father so funny. After it was green man he quickly ran to lucas. After having lunch went o mac and plan out our script then there is like a few dunno irritating people sitting next to us. They are jus so stupid if there is a disscussion of course there would be noise produced and if they want to study they can go to library wat so dumb and somemore that one is a restaurant so of course there would be noise being produced and i don't think they are sitting there study so moisy how are they going to focus? Stupid man !!!! And the girl sit like both legs up so obscene and the leg oso not very nice wan dispaly so somewhere else lar stupid show the stupid legs at where peole consume their food make others loose appetite.

Today was fs training we practice from morning to noon have our lunch den later make our uniform den practice for a while and we play captain's ball so fun haha(: THis sat is grand finals hope can get into top 5. Must work hard for the next raining try to get everything into my head tmr still got project sian so many projects so little time hoe to finish??? So CRAPPY!!!!!!

This is a long post cool rite try to post more often haha (:

YMonday, February 22, 2010' 12:19 AM

Hello didn't blog for a very long time as their was so many tests and trainings. But its okay don't worry be happy i am here to blog again. And like so liitle people come and tag my blog. Last week was Chinese New Year and my school's celebration have invited the lion dance so fun and their was a skip by the drama club so funny and their was a band called blackforest who peform a lot of songs and the girl's voice is very good. During chinese new year i receive many red packets and play with my nephew so cute he started walking and running about. And he ran around withut his pants on. whenever people come in he would put out his hand and started saying "Happy New Year!" so cute and everyone would shake hands with him.Haha is so funny.

The blog ownerY

Michelle Leu
13 going 14
Underline Bold Italic Strikeout


- Grow taller
- Get more pocket money
- Have my own laptop
- Have a new watch
- Pass my Taekwondo test
- Get double grading
for Takwondo
- Get a pair of havaianas slipper
- Have more money





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